Sunday, November 12, 2006

At a Loose End...

So, here we are, Sunday afternoon and I'm at a bit of a loose end. Now, normally on a Sunday afternoon, I'm down at my silver-haired old mother's house, but this week she's away at my sister's, so I've got the whole weekend to myself. The trouble is that I came into this weekend exhausted and only just recovering from a virus, or something, which had been sapping my strength for most of the preceding week. Having spent most of the weekend recuperating, now that I finally have my strength back and feel OK again, the weekend is nearly over. I've posted a new story on The Sleaze, done the ironing, put the rubbish out - now what? There's nothing on TV I want to watch (always the case when I've actually got time to watch it). My friend - the one who thinks the minister at the local Spiritualist church looks like a sex offender - is apparently on line, but my IM tells me she's 'idle'. Tell me something I didn't know! She's like that in real life! It is the main thing we have in common - a propensity to do nothing when given the opportunity.

Even that Asian cable channel I was raving about a few posts ago has vanished, and those bloody idiots trying to sell me broadband (which I've got already) and telephone talk plans (which I don't want) are back. The most irritating thing about their presence is that the information they are giving is now totally out of date. Not only has the pricing of all the packages changed, but one of the talk plans doesn't even exist any more. That just about sums up the efficiency of my cable provider. Actually, going back to the Asian channel, for those of you left wondering, the bloke who was gunned down and enjoyed a truly OTT death scene in the soap I was watching turned out to be not quite dead. Two bystanders rushed him to the nearest hospital, where he lay on a trolley in the lobby for what seemed like hours whilst a policeman questioned the guys who'd brought him in about the crime. Finally, after he must of lost at least six pints of blood, he was wheeled into the operating theatre. When last seen, he was on a life support machine.

The trouble with being at a loose end is that my thoughts tend to wander onto dangerous ground - to those news stories I know I really shouldn't comment on as I'll be accused of bad taste, insensitivity, and all that. But I just can't help it. Did you see that story the other day about that poor six year old girl who choked to death on her school dinner? Apparently it was a sausage which did it. Of course, the burning question is: was it one of Jamie Oliver's healthier school dinners she was eating, with special low-fat sausages? I think it is important we know. After all, it could call into question this idea that 'healthy eating' is god for kids. There's no denying that nobody has ever heard of a six year old choking to death on chips. They might be bad for you, but at least they'll take several decades to do you in. Unlike a sausage, which can apparently finish you off in minutes.

Ah well, I'm bored doing this now. I'll have to find something else to amuse myself with. Maybe my friend will stop being idle. Maybe I'll go and drink another beer...



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