Friday, February 23, 2018

Left Handed Guns

Having said it was really none of my business before posting at length about the subject, I find that I just can't leave the issue of gun control in the US alone.  Despite coming out fighting, the gun lobby finally seems to be on the back foot. A key development has bee several corporations withdrawing the discounts they had previously offered to National Rifle Association (NRA) members - hitting these kinds of organisations in the pocket is often the most effective way to hurt them.  Another way is ideologically.  As I noted last time I wrote about the issue, a lot of the gun lobby in the US is based around those so called militias, which are inevitable groups of extreme right-wing nut jobs who claim they are protecting the US from being taken over by the UN, black people or the King of England.  In fact, the majority of gun owners seem to be right wing crank cases, regardless of whether they are members of militias or lone psychopaths.  So, what the left needs to do, logically, is start forming its own heavily armed militias, dedicated to preserving the Constitution - specifically those bits in the First Amendment about free speech, free press and free assembly.

Indeed, everyone on the left should exercise their Second Amendment right to own a gun and declare that they are prepared to use them against any neo Nazis, crypto-fascists and other assorted right wing douche bags who try to infringe their liberties. Just imagine how the NRA and their friends would react to the left arming itself.  You can bet that, all of a sudden, they wouldn't be quite so keen on the idea of universal gun ownership being a Constitutional right.  You can guarantee that they would desperately be looking for loop holes in the Second Amendment that say that only the 'right' people should be able to legally own guns.  But at the end of the day, it is the NRA and their cronies who are telling us that the solution to gun crime is for more people to own guns in order to protect themselves from the 'bad guys with guns'.  So, logically, those afraid of being shot by some loon with a legally owned gun need to arm themselves.  Maybe the pro gun lobby will finally start modifying their stance if they find themselves facing an anti-gun lobby who are armed to the teeth.  Not to mention left wing militias organised to protect citizens against gun crime.  Heck, why not get a few all black militias dedicated to preserving civil rights in the southern states?  How could the NRA mob possibly object to that?



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