Monday, June 30, 2014

Sacred and Profane

Our 'monthly movie' for June takes us back to a favourite type of location: a church yard.  This time I use it to try and explore how easily our perception of a location can be changed by a few simple factors.  A low camera angle, monochrome photography and creepy music turn it, at a stroke, into a Gothic horror movie, but colour, angles which look 'heavenward' and organ music transform it into a celebration of religious faith.

I'd originally planned to use at least two different locations for shooting.  However, time constraints due to work and decorating activities eventually forced me to use a single location instead.  Which, sort of, makes more sense.  The same constraints meant that I had to edit the whole thing in more of a hurry than I would have liked in order to get it finished for June.  Consequently, it's a bit rougher than I would have liked - in retrospect, for instance, some scenes needed a bit more trimming than they actually received.  Such reservations aside, I'm pretty pleased with this monthly movie.  Bring on July's!

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