Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Cult of ISIS

I don't know about you, but this whole ISIS business in Iraq has got me confused.  I mean, just what are Islamic jihadists doing getting involved with ancient Egyptian goddesses?  Surely true Muslims would see that sort of thing as blasphemous, wouldn't they?  I'd always assumed that they took a dim view of these old pagan religions, much as the Christians do.  Nonetheless, all of a sudden they're apparently in bed with the Egyptian goddess of motherhood, nature and magic.  But perhaps we shouldn't be surprised as she was also traditionally the friend of the downtrodden.  Not that these jihadists seem so downtrodden now, sweeping across Iraq, driving all before them.  Obviously, their overnight success is down to the patronage of Isis - a quick bit of worshipping at her temples, calling on her support and suddenly the Iraqi government forces find the tables turned, helpless in the face of a massed mummy attack.

Because that's the secret of their scarily swift conquest of parts of Iraq and Syria: living mummys.  OK, I know that on all the news footage, all they show are the usual pick up trucks with guns on and guys waving AK-47s, but that's just because Western governments don't want to set off mass panic in the non-Muslim world.  But let's be honest, we don't really believe that a bunch of rabble with home made equipment can defeat trained army units armed with tanks and artillery, do we?  Of course not.  It's all down to those mummys revived by the priests of Isis.  That and those animal-headed gods in chariots which have been reported as leading the insurgent offensives - no tank could withstand their supernatural powers.  But what's in it for the cult of Isis?  (Apart from making her name a global phenomena for the first time in several thousand years).  Well, I think that's obvious.  In return for her support, the jihadists are going to rejig the Muslim faith to include her, perhaps as the consort of Mohammed.  See, it's finally making sense.  

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