Friday, May 16, 2014

Domes of Doom

I glimpsed something  yesterday which has got me worried.  It's raised the suspicion that Crapchester could be at the epicentre of an alien invasion.  As I was driving down a country lane on the outskirts of the town, I looked to my right and saw, between the trees and the contours of the fields, what can best be described as an installation.  Painted grey, I saw it for only a second or two, but the presence of two dome-like structures was obvious.  My mind raced, trying to recall where I'd previously seen such a thing.  Then, a few hundred yards up the road, I remembered - it was in Quatermass II, (both the TV serial and the film version).   There, they were to be found in a remote oil refinery-like complex and were eventually revealed to be holding a writhing mass of alien protoplasm, keeping it safe from Earth's hostile atmosphere until parts of the protoplasm, (a gestalt organism whose components could act individually as part of the group intelligence), could be inserted into human hosts.  The installation I saw is also relatively remote, not to mention fairly new.  It can only be approached via a farm track running alongside a field, entrance to which is barred by a locked gate, and seems to have been built on the site of a previous mysterious set of buildings.

This previous installation was, I recall, largely hidden from the entrance to the farm track (on a minor country lane), situated in a hollow, with only a tall aerial visible from the road.  If you waited around near the gate, you could watch mysterious four-by-fours come and go. There were no signs on the gate or anywhere else to indicate what the installation was or who it belonged to - I can only surmise that it was some sort of secret project dedicated to contacting alien life, hence the aerial.  The latest developments - the domes - seem to indicate they were successful.  The aliens obviously homed in on their signals and took the place over to form a beach head.  Sadly, I have no photographic evidence as, mysteriously, each time I have driven past - I went back today - I find that I have 'forgotten' my camera!  Obviously a result of the aliens' evil mind bending powers!  Also, you can't find the installation on Google Maps - the satellite view still shows the old installation with no domes.  Trust me, there's something very sinister going on here - either that, or I've seen too many fifties science fiction movies.

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