Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Twelfth Night

Here we are, Twelfth Night already. Christmas is officially over. Unless you count the 6th January as Twelfth Night, of course. Personally, I usually celebrate Twelfth Night on the 4th, but this year I decided to go with the 5th, mainly because I started Christmas late this year - I didn't finish work until 23rd December. Anyway, the decorations are packed away for another year, and we're left pondering what the New Year might have in store for us all. Not being a fan of New Year's resolutions, I've settled on just the one for 2011: to suffer fools even less gladly than I did in 2010. I've also decided to stop putting up with those one-sided 'friendships', where I seem to have to do all the work. I don't expect much from my friends, just a bit of consideration, but I'm not even getting that in some cases. I'm tired of having my friendship and goodwill taken for granted. But enough of my moaning. Whereas last year I hit the ground running, I'm trying to ease myself into this year slowly.

I'm finding it very difficult to get into any rhythm so far this year - I hate being back at work more than usual, I'm finding it difficult to write anything and, after looking like traffic to the site was recovering modestly, it seems to have slumped back to its miserable post-'Mayday' norm. Still, let's look at the bright side - at least we aren't suffering in arctic conditions, as we were this time last year. That's the strange thing, despite the freezing cold and atrocious driving conditions, I actually found the beginning of last year a much easier start. Maybe that's what I need - some adversity. By now, you should have realised that I've completely forgotten what I actually had planned to write about today, and that instead I'm just busking it. I'm sure I had something utterly brilliant lined up, but as soon as I started typing, my mind went blank. Hopefully, I might remember what it was by the end of the week.



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