Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cod Wars - Round Two

Let's stick it to the Icelanders! Yeah, they're our new hate figures since the banking crisis resulted in lots of Brits finding that all that money they'd salted away in Icelandic owned banks wasn't guaranteed. Now, it wouldn't be so bad if it was only tax-evading rich bastards who were in danger of losing their shirts, but it turns out that various local authorities, police forces, fire brigades and health trusts have been putting their money into Icelandic accounts, attracted by the high interest rates. Oh, how the press have had a field day at the expense of the Icelanders! But don't worry - the government has waded in, freezing the UK assets of said Icelandic banks, using anti-terror legislation. Wonderful! Iceland is now the new al Qaeda in hate terms! But damn it, I say, the bastards deserve it! Some of us haven't forgotten the Cod Wars back in the 1970s, when those bastard Icelanders managed to claim victory, extended their territorial waters and proceeded to steal
our cod!

This is pay back time! At long last we've got them over a barrel! And let's face it, it isn't just the Cod Wars, there's also the matter of inflicting first Magnus Magnusson, then Bjork on us. They richly deserve everything that's coming to them! Now is the time for Gordon Brown to press home the advantage and force them to give us back our cod! If they want their assets unfrozen, they've got to let our trawlers fish in their waters! Oh, and how about paying compensation for all those trawlers and Royal Navy vessels they damaged by ramming them? And let's not forget getting some kind of undertaking from them that Bjork will never, ever be allowed to record or perform again. Only when we get these concessions can we truly claim victory!

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