Monday, August 11, 2008

Going for Gold...

Jesus, what a weekend! I seemed to spend most of yesterday trying to get my laptop to boot after Windows decided to fail catastrophically without warning. Being unable to access the data on your hard drive is like being locked out of your house - you know all those goodies are there, you just can't get your hands on them. It's frustrating because it is a case of 'so near, yet so far'. Anyway, by yesterday evening I'd finally managed to find a way to repair the affected sections of Windows and was back in business. The upshot of this fiasco is that I'm now behind schedule with the next story for The Sleaze, the two-thirds of which I'd written, spent most of yesterday inaccessible on the hard drive. Unfortunately, there is also non-website related stuff I have to attend to this week. So, something has to give. Consequently, updates here are going to be a bit intermittent this week.

As if all that hassle with the hard drive wasn't bad enough, I'm also having to suffer wall-to-wall coverage of the bloody Olympics. You can't turn on the TV without encountering the men's 1500m transvestite cheese race, or other such mainstream sports, followed by highlights of this so-called action, then highlights of the bloody highlights. I don't know why they just don't rename BBC One BBC Olympics and have done with it. Clearly I'm not the only one being driven to distraction by it - the Russians have even invaded Georgia in desperation. Mind you, cynics might suggest that the Russians are merely trying to divert the world's attention from the number of Russian athletes failing drug tests in Beijing...

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