Gay Nazis Must Die (Part Two)
Top conspiracy theorist Sam Nodger has sensationally claimed that secret league of gay Nazis plotted to assassinate Hitler toward the end of World War Two. However, the exposure of the plot and the execution of many of its leaders forced it further underground. Although forced to remain secret, the League developed its own version of the Nazi ideology, positing that it should seek the establishment of a blonde haired, cruelly good-looking race of Aryan homosexuals. Effeminacy was seen as degenerate and unworthy of the true gay Nazi. Plans were drawn up for the establishment of special detention camps for homosexuals from the conquered territories, where degenerate effeminate and submissive non-Aryan gays would be trained as sex-slaves by whip-cracking, black leather clad guards. With Allied victory inevitable, the Gay Nazi League decided that if it was to achieve its dream of an Aryan gay Reich, it would have to relocate its operations. With the aid of Admiral Donitz, its members escaped by U-Boat to Antarctica in 1945. “Several U-Boats were seen off the coast of Argentina in 1945, heading for Antarctica”, Nodger claims. “The League knew, from ancient Tibetan texts recovered by Nazi archaeologists, that the lost civilisation of Atlantis had actually been located within the hollow Earth, beneath the South Pole.”
Since 1945, Nodger believes, the League has been working to establish a self-perpetuating gay Reich through the development of advanced artificial insemination techniques, cloning and genetic manipulation - with their scientists attempting to isolate the “gay Nazi” gene. According to Nodger, the Western powers have long been aware of the gay Nazi presence in Antarctica. In 1946 a US expeditionary force under Admiral Byrd was sent to Antarctica to eradicate the threat. However, many of the sailors were seduced by the Nazis - Byrd’s second in command was last seen dancing into a blizzard hand-in-hand with an SS Colonel - and they were forced to withdraw. Since then the US has been content simply to contain the threat within Antarctica.Gay groups have responded angrily to Nodger’s theories, branding them homophobic and accusing him of perpetuating out-moded gay stereotypes. Professor Jerry Mire - visiting Chair of Politics and Sexuality at the Bangkok Institute of Economic Studies - agrees. “Its a long-standing myth that gay men are into uniforms, jackboots and swastikas. Moreover, transvestites and trans-sexuals are rarely homosexual. Not only that, but no gay man has worn one of those black leather caps since 1975!”
Since 1945, Nodger believes, the League has been working to establish a self-perpetuating gay Reich through the development of advanced artificial insemination techniques, cloning and genetic manipulation - with their scientists attempting to isolate the “gay Nazi” gene. According to Nodger, the Western powers have long been aware of the gay Nazi presence in Antarctica. In 1946 a US expeditionary force under Admiral Byrd was sent to Antarctica to eradicate the threat. However, many of the sailors were seduced by the Nazis - Byrd’s second in command was last seen dancing into a blizzard hand-in-hand with an SS Colonel - and they were forced to withdraw. Since then the US has been content simply to contain the threat within Antarctica.Gay groups have responded angrily to Nodger’s theories, branding them homophobic and accusing him of perpetuating out-moded gay stereotypes. Professor Jerry Mire - visiting Chair of Politics and Sexuality at the Bangkok Institute of Economic Studies - agrees. “Its a long-standing myth that gay men are into uniforms, jackboots and swastikas. Moreover, transvestites and trans-sexuals are rarely homosexual. Not only that, but no gay man has worn one of those black leather caps since 1975!”
Labels: Conspiracy Corner, Satire, Weird Shit
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