Monday, December 03, 2007

The Cameron Who Never Was

Is David Cameron just a media construct? Does he really exist? Think about it, had you ever actually heard of him, let alone seen him before he stood for the leadership of the Conservative party? Also, try to remember what he looks like when he isn't on TV or in the papers - you can't, can you? He has one of those inoffensive, unmemorable faces onto which people can project their own ideas of what's desirable or handsome, so that when you try to picture his face, you just see some mental construct of what you think an average bloke should look like. What about his family, eh? Aren't they just too good to be true? The disabled child for the sympathy vote, the spouse who is the perfect traditional wife, yet also has that tattoo to suggest she's just a little bit 'radical' and 'rebellious' - establishment and counter-culture in one package. All-in-all, the perfect family for the politician trying to pitch himself as Mr Average caring bloke.

What's becoming increasingly obvious is that 'Cameron' is the creation of Tory focus groups. He's the distillation of all the feedback they've got on what would make the 'ideal' party leader. Once the grandees had decided on this image, they simply hired an actor to play the part, invented a biography and had it strategically planted in official records to make it appear that he had a history and then staged a leadership 'contest' to establish him in the public eye. The wife and kids - actors again. The career in the City, the life in politics as an MP - all an elaborate fiction. Trust me, it's easier than most people realise to create a fake personal history, even for a public figure. If you tell people that someone was an MP enough times, show them a few photos of him shaking hands with local worthies and the like, and they'll believe it. It is especially easy for the Tory party, who have most of the British press in their pockets. Now they've established 'Cameron', they're trying to destabilise the government, first of they undermine trust with those discs which the Revenue allegedly lost, and now they're trying to destroy Brown's credibility with this 'proxy donor' business. If we're not careful, we're going to find ourselves being governed by the 'Leader Who Never Was' - a phantom image being manipulated by the shadowy financiers and corporate interests that lurk behind the Conservative Party.

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