Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Alien Fakes Are Coming...

How many more of these fake alien videos are we going to have to endure?  Because they are all fake, you know.  This latest one, the Mexican alleged mummified aliens, is no different - some obviously fake alien bodies (they look as if they are made from papier mache) and the usual unverifiable 'scientific tests' that 'prove' their alien origin.  I have to say, I do admire the sheer nerve of the grifters behind it, who generated all manner of publicity by presenting all this horse shit to the Mexican parliament.  If I was Mexican, I'd be bloody worried as to the calibre of my elected representatives if any of them swallowed this obvious hoax.  Bet then I look at some the denizens of our own House of Commons.  But, but,,they subjected these 'aliens' to 'scientific tests' I hear all the crackpots out there splutter.  Sure, they had tests on samples carried out by a lab that, when questioned independently by journalists, refused to share their results with third parties as this would be breaking their confidentiality agreement with their clients.  Which means we have to take the word of these 'Ufologists' that the test results showed the samples were not of terrestrial origin.  Of course, if they are confident of these results, why don't they simply allow testing by other independent, reputable scientific bodies who will share their results publicly and allow them to be scrutinised and peer reviewed?  That, surely, would be the best way of establishing their veracity.

That's the problem with all of the supposed UFO evidence that reaches the public arena - a complete lack of actual, verifiable, facts.  But facts based on hard evidence are the enemy of the conspiracy nuts.  They find them very challenging, so they just try to avoid them at all costs.  They're like like those creationist freaks who wander through natural history museums, denouncing the fossil record they are presented with as being 'fakes' and the 'devil's work'. Rationality doesn't come into - inconvenient truths can simply be arbitrarily dismissed, regardless of the body of evidence backing them up.  Which is why it is impossible to argue with conspiracy fantasists - they simply retreat further into their fantasy world, claiming that anything that contradicts their world view is simply further evidence of a conspiracy to cover up 'the truth'.  Yet these people keep managing to get air time and the ears of politicians.  While we might think the idea of presenting these fake aliens and questionable test data to the Mexican parliament seems strange and perhaps a reflection of eccentricities of Mexican politics, let's not forget that not long before this, we had UFO 'experts' making all sorts of claims about crashed spaceships and secret contacts between aliens and the US government to US legislators.  Not surprisingly, these extravagant claims weren't backed up by a shred of evidence.  I mean, at least the Mexican cranks produced some faked alien mummies....

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