Friday, December 31, 2021

End of the Year, Again

Here we are again, the fag end of another year.  As ever, I'll issue my usual warnings about New Year resolutions - just don't.  You'll never keep them and just end up feeling a failure.  If you really want to do something or change something, just do it, regardless of the time of year.  By setting yourself this arbitrary start date, you are just setting yourself up for failure.  New Year is a terrible time to be starting anything - it's winter, it's cold, wet and miserable, you never feel motivated to do anything, plus, just trying to get back into normal routines after Christmas is challenge enough, without trying to embark on some potentially life changing venture.  So, once again, I won't be making any New Year's resolutions.  In fact, I'm making no firm plans at all for 2022.  Having finally freed myself from the job that was blighting my life during 2021, (freed myself to do bugger all), I'm in no hurry to shackle myself to any rigid routines or restrictive employment regimes.  I will, however, endeavour to get out of bed more and be more active and creative.  (That's not a resolution, by the way, as I reserve the right to continue to do bugger all).

Anyway, I'll be seeing in the New Year in my usual fashion: with some beer and a big plate of sausage rolls.  For a second year running, of course, Covid is forcing most people to emulate my celebrations by staying in.  Trust me, it's a far more satisfying way of celebrating the New Year - you don't have to put up with all those pub bores, you don't have to sing 'Auld Lang Sang', you can go to bed at a reasonable hour and you don't get up with a hangover next morning.  I speak from the experience of, when younger, having spent many a New Year's Eve in the pub.  As the years went by, I realised that I really wasn't enjoying the experience of being stuck in a small venue so packed with sweaty bodies that you couldn't sit down, let alone get to the bar for a drink.  For someone as anti-social as me, it really was close to being Hell.  The fact is that I enjoy being on my own, so it just seemed logical to spend New Year's Eve that way.  Damn it, I'm the best company I know!  But, levity aside, it just remains to say 'Happy New Year' - I'll see everyone next year.

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