Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Seasonal Stumblings

I'm finally starting to get on top of this Christmas business.  Yeah, I know, there's only a week and a half to go and I've never been this unprepared before, but I've at least got my great nieces' presents sorted.  I think,  Well, the older one was sorted earlier this week and is on its way.  As for the younger one, well, I sat down today, had a long conversation with myself about it and made an executive decision, so that will be sorted shortly.  I've just decided to follow my instincts with regard to what I'm giving her.  I don't know why I've been so unprepared for Christmas this year.  It isn't as if I didn't know the date well in advance, yet still it managed to take me by surprise this year.  I mean, I don't even have the excuse of work or lockdowns getting in the way this year.  Actually, I think the trouble is that I've been too busy enjoying myself and I just lost track of time.  And that's the trouble - we just aren't meant to be having fun at this time of year.  Instead, we're meant to be stressing out about Christmas.  

But now that I've sorted out the most important presents, I need to start turning my attention to my own Christmas.  So far I've managed to procure a yule log and some beer, which sort of sorts my Christmas.  But I feel that I need more in the way of seasonal cheer, so I'm going to have to brave the Christmas sections of the supermarkets this week.  After all, I want to be fully prepared for my usual slobbish Christmas - lying on the sofa in my underwear all day working my through various low-rent films on the low-rent streaming services I get via Roku.  Now, some might think that constitutes my usual regime these days, but at Christmas it has added tinsel and sausage rolls.  It's interesting that now I've parted company from the Job From Hell, Christmas has lost its status in my life as an oasis of midwinter calm and safety, something to stumble toward in the inevitably difficult days of December and something to cling to for a week or two before having to go back to the chaos.  Now it's just an excuse to meet friends for drinks and generally over indulge for a few days, while enjoying the novelty of non-standard TV schedules. 

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