Monday, December 06, 2021

Savage Adventure!

Not to be confused with Savage Adventures for Men, a retitling of the last three issues of Brave or, indeed, the nineties gay lifestyle magazine, Savage Adventure was a short lived men's magazine which ran for four issues between 1960 and 1961.  This is the final issue, dated May 1961, with what appears to be a front cover unrelated to any of the stories listed there.  Nonetheless, it is pretty typical for this genre of magazine, featuring some of those gun-toting, semi-naked, female resistance fighters, here about to mow down a German patrol with a heavy machine gun.  The 'gentler sex', my arse!  The contents, judging by those titles, promises to be more of the men's magazine staples: sex, violence and drugs.  'I Buy Women', the alleged confessions of an 'actual' (is, completely made up) slave trader is pretty typical.  Apparently women are 'better than gold...and easier to find', although the average adolescent male buying this sort of magazine might disagree with the second half of that statement.  Nowadays, of course, we'd have to ask if women were better than Bitcoin or other crypto-currencies - to the average geek, probably not.

'Tiger at my Throat' sounds as if it is going to be one of those 'lone hunter against wild animal' types of story that seemed ever popular in the men's magazines.  'I Watched Them Burn Alive' is typically sensationalist for this kind of publication and could be about anything - disaster at sea, fireman adventures or any manner of the sort of macho action-orientated stories favoured by these magazines.  Indeed, if those girls had a flamethrower, I'd speculate that they might be illustrating this very title.  The above-the-title story is the best though: 'The Sex Drug That Works Miracles'.  The question is, of course, whether this is the same as 'The Poor Man's Aphrodisiac' the 'ten cent a pill sex menace' chronicled in the October 1960 issue of Peril, that we looked at a few posts ago?  Certainly, all those adolescent male readers would have been hoping that they were about to learn of some new drug that could suddenly make them irresistible to the opposite sex - and that it was available over the counter from all back-street pharmacies.  I suspect that the truth was somewhat more prosaic. (Bearing in mind that the first contraceptive pills were trialled in the US in 1960, I suspect that this might be the 'sex drug' referred to here - although that would doubtless be welcomed by many of the magazine's hormonally driven male readers).



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