Monday, November 22, 2021

Man of Inaction

So, it seems that my prevaricating, procrastination and general idleness can sometimes pay dividends.  For the past few years I've kept thinking that I should change my energy supplier and a couple of times I came close to switching to Bulb, but never quite got around to it.  Which, as it turns out, was no bad thing, as today Bulb went into administration, the largest energy supplier so far to go down in the face of rising gas prices.  Meanwhile, as this news was breaking, our pathetic excuse for a Prime Minister, looking disheveled and shambolic, was telling the CBI about his trip to 'Peppa Pig World'.  Actually, the most shocking aspect of this was that it meant that he had been geographically fairly close to me and I hadn't known, therefore missing a chance to shout abuse at him in person.  (The UK 'Peppa Pig World' technically isn't, as Johnson claimed, in the New Forest.  It is situated in Ower, which sits between Romsey and Cadnam, just outside of the Forest proper.  But hey, when has Johnson ever let facts get in the way of his delusional mumblings?).  

But to get back to my original point, all these years I've been told that my prevaricating has cost me valuable opportunities and held me back.  I've been criticised for being overly cautious, (particularly in potentially dangerous work-related situations), for taking too long to make decisions which, others seem to think, should always be done in a split second.  Yet now, it seems, it is all these critics who are wrong.  My inaction, it seems, has saved e a fair amount of potential hassle.  So clearly I'm right to be a man of inaction, who prefers his bed to running around like a headless chicken in the hope that I can convince people (not to mention myself), that I'm actually achieving something worthwhile.  That's the problem with the modern world - people spend far too much time trying to look as if they are doing something, rather than actually doing stuff.  Not that I actually seem to do much these days - but I do spend a lot of time thinking about doing things.  Which at least means that when I do actually get around to doing things, I've at least thought them through, meaning I've more chance of doing them properly than those who just rush into action because, hey, that's being decisive.



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