Friday, June 25, 2021

'Girls of the U-Boat Fleet'

I do so love these old men's magazine covers - they promise so much in the way of exotic thrills.  Inevitably, in my experience at least, they never actually deliver on these promises.  The stories are generally pulp-style hack work - often written pseudonymously by authors, like Mario Puzo, who would later find more legitimate literary fame - entertaining but rarely original or inspiring and certainly never erotic.  The 'true; stories they traded in are, of course, completely fictional, as are the 'factual' articles.  Nevertheless, in their day they exerted a powerful pull upon their target audience of young men who didn't want to be seen buying pornography (even if it was available) yet nonetheless wanted to sample some illicit thrills.  

Adventure was one of the longest lived of these magazines, offering a mix of genres on a monthly basis. This issue, from August 1960, was published at a time when war stories were still popular, judging by the cover story: 'Girls of the U-Boat Fleet'.  As illustrated, this seems to an everyday 'true' account of sex starved German submariners taking time out between sinking allied ships to ravage what look like some South Seas island women.  Another featured story - 'We Fought the Green Hell', with its tag line of "Two Men and a WAC - Against Jungle Death", looks as if it combines a war story with another ever popular genre, the jungle story.  The main 'factual' feature, inevitably, concerns sex: '9 Ways a Man Can Go Wrong Sexually'. All for just 25 Cents.  You just can't get bargains like that these days.



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