Friday, April 02, 2021

A Bit of Repression

You know, I'm coming around to the idea of 'vaccine passports'.  I like the idea of being able to sit in a pub drinking a pint knowing that all those sad anti-vaxxers are being turned away.  Just imagine the pleasure of being able to sit by the window and give them the finger, or make wanker signs at them, as they hang around outside, hoping they'll be able to sneak in.  "Who's the stupid wanker now,eh?" you could shout at the sad bastards.  In fact, I think we could take it even further and insist that if you can't produce a 'vaccine passport' then you'll have to wander around with a bell, shouting 'Unclean! Unclean!'.  These loons need to have it made clear to them that their anti-social actions have consequences.  Sure, anyone is free to hold any lunatic views they like, but they just have to accept that doing so makes them a second-class citizen.  I really think that we should have been tougher with the anti-mask brigade - they should have been refused service and forcibly ejected from supermarkets.  Once they were starving, they'd soon change their tune, believe me.  Again, the sight of some anti-masker 'exercising their rights' would be reduced to some sad git forced to beg for food outside of supermarkets.  Throwing a can of tinned peaches at them would be very satisfying.  I mean, they want repression, let's give 'em some repression!

But enough of my authoritarian fantasies.  It's Good Friday!  Not that you'd know that from the TV schedules, where it looks like business as usual.  Oh, I tell a lie:  BBC1 had The Sound of Music on and BBC2 mustered King of Kings in acknowledgement of the religious significance of the day.  I remember the 'Good Old Days' when Good Friday was characterised by wall-to-wall religiosity on the part of the TV channels.  Back in those days King of Kings and The Greatest Story Ever Told used to alternate, with one on Good Friday, the other Easter Day on alternate years.  Plus, you'd inevitably get double bills of The Robe and Dimitri and the Gladiators, with the Archbishop of Canterbury and assorted other clergymen popping up on your TV screen left, right and centre.  Those were the days, eh?  I had every intention of writing up properly at least one schlock movie I've watched recently this week, but somehow it just hasn't happened.  Too many distractions, from podcasting to writing a new story for The Sleaze.  Plus, I've spent the last couple of days working on the new wiring for the model railway.  All the wiring for the cab control system is now in place, (it currently looks like a mess of multi-coloured spaghetti under the baseboards), but has yet to be tested.  If it does work, then I'll have to look at tidying it all up and constructing a control panel in which to mount the switches.  Then I'll finally be able to run trains again and not have to satisfy myself by watching videos of other people's layouts on YouTube.

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