Friday, August 28, 2020

Land of Despair and Dreariness

Jesus!  Some things are just so predictable, aren't they?  Take this fake furore whipped up by the usual suspects on right wing media over the Last Night of the Proms.  As soon as the idea was floated by the BBC that this year they might not include things like 'Land of Hope and Glory' and 'Rule Britannia', because of their imperialistic overtones, in light of Black Lives Matter etc, the onslaught started.  Every right-wing 'newspaper' and knee-jerk reactionary radio talk show shock jock were denouncing those bed-wetting commie pinkos at the BBC for being unpatriotic.  'They just HATE Britain' they all screamed, as if a nation can be defined by a couple of tunes written in the last century but one.  Songs, incidentally, which extol a vision of Britain as a world dominating maritime power which hasn't existed in reality in nearly three quarters of a century.  But really, who cares?  Isn't about time that they did something different at the Last Night of the Proms rather than perform the same bloody tunes year after year?  What was once an innocent celebration of popular classical music has become another one of those events which have been hijacked by right wing nationalists, Brexiteers and Little Englanders to try and force their agenda down our throats.

So, you know what?  We should let them have it.  This year let them go the full hog - indulge their penchant for Nazi cosplay, so there are plenty of swastika flags being waved among the union jacks.  Mix in a few good Nazi songs to go with the jack boots, then, as they all join in with the chorus of Land of Hope and Glory, the huge pictures of Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson can unfurl behind them.  Then, as it all reaches a crescendo, Boris himself could appear on the balcony and give it all the double thumbs up.  And then do you know what we should do?  Seal the doors and gas the fucking lot of them.  Just think, a whole swathe of the mot hard core rightist cocks wiped out in one go!  Even better, you can guarantee that in the build up to this climax, all the right-wing bastards watching at home will have been wanking themselves silly and the appearance of Boris would undoubtedly have wiped a large proportion of them out with heart attacks brought on by sexual ecstasy.  The other half, hopefully, would expire, blue faced and gasping, as they witnessed the extermination going on, live, at the Albert Hall.  I know, I know.  I'm having those horrible violent fantasies again.  But what the Hell, a man's allowed to dream isn't he?  Besides, it all helps balance the vitriol and bile that daily pours forth from the right-wing press, as their readers celebrate the deaths of asylum seekers and get outraged over the fact that Argos had an online ad where all the people in it were black.  What a sad world we live in.

(Once again, for the benefit of crackpots, police and MI5, this is intended to be read satirically and I'm not actually advocating the use of violence against anybody.  Besides, I'm just stating my opinions and if you try and stop me then you are against free speech.  Yah, boo, sucks! Just sayin'.)

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