Friday, August 14, 2020

Heat, Storms and Ice Cream

I was going to write about another film today, but decided that there is a physical limit to the number of such posts anyone can write in a single week.  So, Paul Naschy's debut as perpetually doomed werewolf Waldemar Daninsky in Mark of the Wolfman (1968) will have to wait for another day.  I've actually been getting on with my holiday this week - I managed to find time for a walk in the New Forest the other day and a trip to the beach yesterday.  I've been pleasantly surprised by the relatively low level of traffic on the roads.  Indeed, yesterday the main obstacle was the weather - I had to drive through the mother of all storms to get to the coast.  I thought it was never going to end - then suddenly I was through it and the sun was out again.  Even the beach wasn't that crowded.  Sure, there were more people there than I'd normally expect to see on a weekday in August, but everyone was distancing and it was all very pleasant.  My only complaint would be that it was so hazy that I couldn't see the fleet of currently redundant cruise liners moored in the Solent.  Although the haze did lift sufficiently that I could glimpse one of them before I left.

But, did I learn anything from my holiday experiences so far?  Well, I was reminded of the fact that eating an ice cream cone when you have a moustache can be a very messy business - it has been so many years since I had a 'tache that I'd quite forgotten.  This, in turn, reminded me of why I really need to get rid of this lockdown 'tache - it's far too high maintenance, requiring constant trimming and grooming.  (Despite my best efforts, it was still stiff with dried ice cream by the time I got home yesterday evening).  I've also been reminded that the simple pleasures - a woodland walk, an ice cream on the beach - are often the ones I crave most.  Neither stifling heat nor humongous thunder storms and torrential rain can dull the enjoyment of these experiences for me.  Anyway, that's enough pretentious twaddle - it's been another rambling Friday post, but I'm too tired after a busy week to come up with anything better.  Hopefully, next week we'll get back to the films I've been watching.  Not just Paul Naschy but all manner of other stuff I've been catching up with.



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