Monday, August 24, 2020

Heil Trump

It's a subject I know that I keep coming back to, but I think that it is of increasing importance: just how can some people keep on supporting Trump?  What does he have to do in order for the apologist to stop making excuses or saying that it is somehow all the Democrats fault and telling us how at least Trump isn't Hilary/Obama/Biden/a Commie?  Does he actually have to shoot that person of Fifth Avenue, or wherever it was he said he could shoot someone and get away with it, he was so popular?  I ask because, having effectively declared war on the American people for having the audacity to exercise their right to protest, stoked up racial discord, killed thousands of Americans through his inadequate response to Coronavirus, lied, lied and lied some more, he's now decided to top it all by trying to rig the forthcoming presidential election through voter suppression on a massive scale.  At what point to these Trump apologists say enough is enough?  Part of their problem, I suspect, is that they've invested themselves so heavily into championing Trump against his critics,(this is particularly the case for the professional contrarians who have rallied behind him, bigging up their support as public opinion moves the other way), is that they simply can't change tack now without a catastrophic loss of face.  Their only way out is to buy in to all the Trumpian crap about 'rigged mail ballots' in order to weather his possible defeat in November, on the grounds that he didn't really lose, those damn Democrats stole it from him.

Still, if I was one of these Trump apologists, I'd be looking at who I was keeping company with and feeling uneasy.  Just look at all the right wing cranks, loonies and crackpots they are lining up as guests for the Republican National Convention - people like that couple who like to point guns at protestors walking past their house.  You know, I'm pretty sure that, right now, if they found an incredibly aged Adolf Hitler wandering around the jungles of Paraguay, they'd have him shipped to the US to be a guest at that convention - and Trump's supporters wouldn't bat an eyelid.  Perhaps they will find him in South America - maybe somebody really did save his brain (actually his entire head in the film of the same name) and, thanks to the Trump billions, have it installed in a shiny new robotic body so that Herr Hitler can give the keynote speech in support of Trump's nomination and re-election.  After all, they both seem to have the same game plan: win an election then ensure that there aren't any more elections.  You can hear him now, as he stands on that podium, with the searchlights behind him pointing skywards as he endorses Trump: 'Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuckwit!'  Yeah, I know, I'm doing it again, I'm drawing that offensive and ridiculous parallel between Trumpism and Fascism.  But those right-wingers really hate it - it gets them foaming at the mouth with impotent fury. So I just do it all the more.  Damn it, for decades they used to label all of us on the left as 'Commies' and continue to do so, despite the collapse of Soviet communism, so fair's fair.  You are getting a taste of your own medicine, fascists!  Best of all, though, we lefties actually have some justification for using the fascist label: even if Trump isn't an actual full blown fascist, there is no doubt that his administration's policies have created a dangerous situation in the US whereby the conditions under which fascism thrives are being created.  So, you jack-booted Nazi bastards - stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

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