Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, Bloody Monday

What a weekend!  I broke a tooth, the coffee table in the living room then collapsed and died, breaking a glass as it did so and I ended up spending Sunday evening assembling a replacement coffee table.  Add to that such other exciting leisure activities as yet more decorating, scrubbing limescale from the toilet bowl and ironing and you'll see that I had a truly thrilling weekend.  Not to mention exhausting.  Is it any wonder that I'm looking forward to my holidays which start next week?  Not that my joy appears to be shared by everyone at work. It never ceases to amaze me how, most of the time, I'm treated like something scraped off the bottom of someone's shoe, but as soon as I announce my intention to take some of the annual leave I'm contractually entitled to, my proposed absence suddenly becomes an issue as I'm apparently essential to the running of the organisation.  If it helps, I'll promise not to enjoy myself while I'm away from work.  maybe that will make the bastards happy.

I hate starting the week on such a sour note, but the past weekend had already left me feeling irritable, so to have this negativity about me having the audacity to take time off thrust at me was the final straw.  Nevertheless, I'm trying to remain positive.  After all, I'm going to be starting my Summer leave next week.  An extended period away from the soul-destroying shittiness which constitutes work.  If nothing else, it means that I shouldn't have any trouble in coming up with material for August's 'Monthly Movie'.  Indeed, with the amount of footage I tend to shoot whilst on holiday, I'll probably have the basis for just about every remaining 'Monthly Movie'.  On the subject of my home movies, I'm currently trialling various editing applications.  I was never a fan of Windows Movie Maker Live - it's a seriously dumbed down version of their earlier Movie Maker which was actually pretty good, with a wide range of effects and options - but it's free and at least handles mp4 files and can output HD.  However, I've finally become completely fed up with its shortcomings and have decided that I need something more capable.  My upcoming leave will, hopefully, give me time to properly assess some alternatives.  Well, that's it for now.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be less irritable.    



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