Friday, April 20, 2012

Run Down a Bigot Today

I had the opportunity to run down a bigot today.  Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and just didn't have the time to run off of the road and up the grass verge - where he was fly-posting a placard advertising the visit of the leader of UKIP to Crapchester next week - and watch him bounce off of my bonnet.  I'm beginning to regret that decision after having the misfortune to see said UKIP leader, Nigel Farage on the news.  What a pillock.  Even if I was in favour of the UK leaving the EU, I'd change my mind on the basis of that twat leading the anti-EU lobby.  I've often wondered, as he is so against tax-payers money being 'wasted' on supporting the European Parliament, he gives the wages he receives as a Euro MP to charity?  But I digress, getting back to my failure to run that fly-poster over, (I say fly-posting, to be accurate he was attempting to affix the placard to a traffic sign with a cable tie), I know that running over a minion wouldn't have stopped UKIP immediately, but we've got to start somewhere, haven't we?

But perhaps I shouldn't characterise the UKIP as bigots, it makes them sound like the BNP.  But, unfortunately, that's how UKIP appears to me - a sort of respectable form of bigotry for nice middle class people.  At least, unlike the BNP, UKIP's bigotry isn't based solely on race.  They just don't like anybody from Europe.  Oh, I know they'll tell you it isn't about hating foreigners, it's really about economics and political sovereignty, but, in truth, it comes down to good old fashioned xenophobia.  They just don't want Johnny Foreigner sullying Britain's glorious constitution with their grubby hands.  They're still wrapped up in the dangerous delusion that the UK is somehow still a world power, capable of acting unilaterally in military, political and economic matters, that the British are still somehow superior to the rest of humanity.  This is the delusion which has held the UK back for decades, frequently isolating us from the mainstream of international politics. 

It's also incredible, that in the light of the current economic crisis, anyone can seriously believe that nation states can survive alone.  What this crisis has lain bare is the truth obvious to many of us - that multinational corporations and international financiers have rendered individual nations states virtually irrelevant.  Whilst the EU certainly hasn't done itself any credit in its vain defence of the Eurozone, that's no reason for the UK to pull out now.  Instead we should be trying to reform the EU, to make it a more effective bastion against these multinational brigands.  Nation states can only fight back against them by following their example and organising across national boundaries.  But I'm afraid these very concepts are beyond the mental capabilities of narrow-minded Little Englanders like Farage and his Daily Mail reading acolytes.  So, when an 'independent' Britain is having what's left of its assets stripped by multinational predators, just remember that I warned you!

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