Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Sleazecast 2: TV Shows They Should Make

So, here we are with the eagerly anticipated, (by me, at least), second instalment of our podcast. The theme this time, as stated in the title, are TV series the networks should make. From the comfort of my car I ramble through my ideas for game shows, soap opera spin-offs and detective shows. Although these first two shows have come in quick succession, I don't intend this being a weekly feature. The next Sleazecast will take a bit longer to appear as I try to incorporate lessons learned from the first two and look at implementing some tweaks to the format.

Anyway, enough talk, let's get on with the podcast, which you can listen to here (it runs 30' 22"):

The Sleazecast 2: TV Shows They Should Make

You can also download it here in MP3 format.

The Sleazecast 2 track listing:

1. Intro: In which the Doc muses on the mysteries of podcasting and TV shows they should make.

2. Harold and Madge Get The Willies: Australian soap spin-offs covering Alf Stewart and Harold Bishop's involvement in the My Lai massacre, and Harold's monster-hunting career with the aid of his dead wife, Madge.

3. Watching The Detectives: The Doc ponders the possibilities of creating a new TV sleuth - snooker playing detective or porn addicted dick?

4. Feel, or No Feel?: A new gameshow for sex offenders out on licence - can 'The Wanker' help them win the prize?

5. Noel's Late, Late Viewer Show: Can the Whirly Wheel of Death and the Ted Moult Double Glazing Challenge create a new career opportunity for Noel Edmonds?

6. Final Thoughts: Big noses, the One Ronnie and dead Irish stand-ups - the search for a suitable sign off continues.

I think I sound a lot more laid back in this one than I did the first time around. I also avoid too many bad impressions (apart from an Australian accent, Ray Winstone and Jimmy 'Schnozzle' Durante, that is).

As a footnote to the first Sleazecast, the estate of Jimmy Savile were obviously listening, as they've encased his coffin in concrete, ostensibly to deter the kind of grave robbers I discussed. Personally, I think I was right about him coming back as a zombie, hence the concrete to keep him safely in his grave...

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