Monday, August 01, 2011

Glorious August

August at last! My favourite Summer month, as I've mentioned before, in which everything seems becalmed. The world seems to have gone on holiday and nothing seems to be happening. Back in the good old days this was the 'silly season', when there was so little news around that newspapers were filled with stories of UFOs, the Loch Ness monster and Hitler being found alive and well in Sidwell. Indeed, so little happened that when he was Prime Minister, Harold MacMillan used to take the whole of August off to go grouse shooting in Scotland. The Foreign Office used to shut up shop as well, confident in the knowledge that nobody would start a war in August. Traditionally, of course, August is also 'silly season' for The Sleaze, when I run a full slate of stories about Nazis, spacemen and lost civilisations. This year will be no different, although the ongoing project to revamp the site means that the first story will be delayed slightly. I should have something posted by the end of the week at the latest. Hopefully sooner.

To make up for this delay, I'll probably be running extra new material this month, particularly once the 'new' Sleaze is up and running in the latter part of August. If nothing else, a relaunch should be accompanied by lots of new stuff, in order to try and bring in new readers. Indeed, with new format for the site making updates easier, I'm hoping to step up the publication of new stories somewhat. I'm afraid that posting a new story on the current static pages is so time-consuming that I can only face doing it three times a month! But getting back to the 'silly season' stories, I'm afraid that I don't have any stories about spacemen or flying saucers planned, (at the moment, anyway), hopefully there should be some Nazis, not to mention a strange tale of lost civilisations and mysterious islands. Whilst I'd quite like to give the whole phone hacking business a bit of a rest for a few weeks, (there's always the danger of flogging it to death if you keep publishing story after story about a single subject, with no relief), I do have a Murdoch-related story idea that might fit in to 'silly season'. Then again, I might leave it until next month. Anyway, onwards and upwards!

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