Friday, January 31, 2025

Clockwork Nazis

I suppose that one benefit of Elon Musk currently being Trump's ass-kisser-in-chief and financial hatchet man is that this might at least distract him from his usual nonsense.  You know what I mean: the rockets to Mars (or usually all over Florida in pieces), the robots, wrecking social media sites, encouraging Nazis, eugenics and the like.  Because I fear that his next obsession might have involved a couple of these 'hobbies' as he tried to develop robotic Nazis.  It just seems like the obvious next step for him, bearing in mind his apparent inability to relate to actual living and breathing human beings and his control freakery.  Despite having developed a passion for extreme right-wing politics, particularly in the UK and Germany, he's already had a serious falling out with Nigel Farage, with the Reform Party leader apparently not meeting Musk's high standards for potential authoritarian dictators.  He just wasn't right-wing enough, refusing to commit the political suicide of embracing convicted mortgage fraudster and violent football hooligan turned rabble rouser Stephen Yaxley-Lennon/Tommy Robinson.  It can surely only be a matter of time before he has a similar falling out with Germany's AfD.  Probably when he finds out that they don't have plans to invade Poland and Russia and subjugate the whole EU under a fascist tyranny, with him as their Führer.  The answer, obviously, is for him to create robots programmed with fascism.  They'd be unfailingly devoted to the cause (and Elon), Hitler salute and goose step perfectly and, best of all, have no moral qualms about sending minorities and political opponents to concentration camps.

Now, you might think that I'm being ridiculous here but, trust me, clockwork Nazis would be a perfectly logical step for someone like Musk.  Not only would they be unfailingly obedient, but in appearance they could encompass the Aryan ideals of physical appearance.  Even now, he's probably got people training AI on Nazi ideology.  Which is maybe why he's effectively turned Twitter into an extremist cesspool, where racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia and just about every form of hate you can think of seems not just to be tolerated, but welcomed with open arms - it is going to form the database for the fascist AI which is going to power his Nazi robots.  Doubtless they'll also use that footage of his definitely non-Nazi salute to train them how to perform the perfect fascist greeting.  But would he stop at creating an army of goose-stepping automatons?  How about those pesky Senators and Representatives of both parties who might try to hold Trump to account and obstruct his most outrageous policies?  Why not replace them with automated look-a-likes?  Or even just create new robot candidates so sophisticated that they can pass for human, who can run against them in primaries?  Before you know, maybe even Trump will be replaced by an AI simulation controlled by billionaire super-villain Musk.  Actually, an AI simulation might actually be a better president than the real Trump.  Certainly, it would surely possess more humanity than the real thing.

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