Friday, August 09, 2024

Unreliable Narratives

It was all a hoax, probably perpetrated by lefties.  Have you noticed how the right are trying to change the narrative with regard to the recent far right anti-immigration riots?  Ever since a rumoured new wave of fascist protests failed to materialise earlier this week, with mass counter-protests instead occurring, the right, particularly the right-wing press, have been on the defensive.  Their explanation for the failure of the violent thugs to turn up was that the supposed list of protest locations seen on social media and publicised by them was, in fact, a hoax.  At first, they left it like that, but over the past couple of days it has become a 'left-wing hoax', apparently designed to rally support for the anti-fascist cause.  Plus, those counter demonstrators - at first grudgingly lauded by the right-wing press, have now become 'far left protestors'.  (Apparently, opposing fascism and violent thuggery makes you 'far left' in their eyes).  It's clearly part of an attempt to divert attention away from violence of the far right and the culpability of the likes of Nigel Farage for helping to encourage it with their inflammatory anti-immigrant rhetoric.  Instead, they want to somehow discredit those who opposed this thuggery and turn them into the villains.  It goes hand in glove with the attempts of all those idiots they keep wheeling onto GB News to somehow place the blame for the riots at the feet of Keir Starmer and the Labour government - in the process somehow sidestepping the fact that they've only been in power  for a month, whereas we've had fourteen years of austerity, race-baiting and immigrant bashing xenophobia from the Tories.

Obviously, a major factor in the right-wing press' attempts to change the narrative with regard to the riots is their annoyance and embarrassment at having had to run headlines after the extreme right no show praising the counter protestors for protecting democracy.  Whereas, in reality, they really wanted to run headlines along the lines of 'Hurrah for the blackshirts!'.  It's the quandary they find themselves in: in truth, many of their columnists, not to mention owners, actually sympathise with the aims of these violent mobs and support those politicians who encourage them, yet they also have to pay lip service to the idea that they support democracy and the rule of law and deplore political violence.  The evidence for this is clear: just look at the front pages of the Daily Mail and Daily Express for the past fourteen years - non-stop lies and disinformation designed to incite hatred against immigrants, legal or illegal.  But will they take responsibility for the tidal wave of hate they've whipped up?  Of course not - it's all somebody else's fault.  Most specifically, it's the left's fault.  But we shouldn't expect anything else from the right.  After all, we've already seen the abominable Nigel Farage this week trying to claim that he's absolutely shocked and appalled by the riots and that he can't be blamed for inciting them.  As ever, an utterly cowardly bastard.  To be fair, though, he at least stayed in the UK while it all kicked off, unlike 'Tommy Robinson', convicted football hooligan and mortgage fraudster, who has been hiding out in Cyprus, on the run from an arrest warrant, stirring the shit on social media.  Then there's the role played by techno jerk Elon Musk - but it's probably best that I don't get started on that weasel.  Just don't fall for this new narrative that the right is trying to spin - this is their mess and they need to start taking responsibility for it all.

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