Friday, August 02, 2024

Summer of Idiocy

Right now, this country seems to be suffering from a surfeit of stupidity.  Maybe it is the summer heat bringing the idiots out, but suddenly we have hordes of beer-bellied drunken arseholes covered in neo-Nazi tattoos out on the streets throwing bricks at the police and trying to storm mosques.  Of course, their is excuse is that they are just ordinary decent citizens who been pushed to the limits by all this immigration and that 'enough is enough'.  Their latest flashpoint has been the knife attack in Southport that left three little girls dead.  But these upright citizens, instead of waiting for official statements and accurate reports about the alleged perpetrator, instead decided to rely upon social media posts, from unverifiable sources, that claimed the attacker was a Muslim immigrant who had arrived in the UK illegally on a small boat.  Again, rather than let the law take its course, these upstanding examples of British citizenry decided to start attacking the local mosque.  Because, yeah, even if the perpetrator had been a Muslim, it is perfectly logical to then blame all Muslims.  Next time some bastard vandalises my car, I'll just assume that they are Christian and burn down the local church in retaliation.  The accused is, of course, neither a Muslim nor an immigrant - he was born in Cardiff, of Rwandan parents, true, but nonetheless a UK citizen.  But, like I said, these rioters are just plain stupid.  Obviously stupid, because they are happy to act on fake information spewed out by fake social media accounts undoubtedly controlled by outside actors attempting to destabilise the UK.  Even worse, they are happy to follow, nay worship, the likes of Nigel Farage and 'Tommy Robinson', one of whom takes Russian money while the other is a convicted violent football hooligan and mortgage fraudster.  Both spread lies and race hate in furtherance of their own murky ambitions.

The stupidity of these people is underlined when they try to blame the police and authorities for the trouble that they have caused.  Apparently, there wouldn't have been any problems if the police hadn't opposed them when they attacked Mosques. Because, you know, they never oppose those Muslim rioters, like in Leeds a few weeks ago, even though they weren't Muslims, they were Romanians.  Oh, and that Keir Starmer isn't playing fair when he condemns their actions and announces a crackdown on their activities - he's obviously a traitor, because he isn't cracking down on those Muslims on the basis that they are, well, Muslims.   They really are thick as shit.  They apparently can't discern the difference between peaceful protests and riots and the way in which each is policed.  They can't seem to grasp that when you turn up somewhere just looking for a fight, then the authorities are going to treat you differently than if you turn up and protest peacefully.  They are simply violent thugs who have latched onto a spurious cause, (and in this case, hijacked an local tragedy in order to further their agenda of starting violent drunken fights with anyone they don't like the look of), in order to justify their disregard for societal norms.  Some other idiots, of course, would say that if only we had a few more wars than all this pent up violence would be discharged.  Not peacefully or constructively, but in an orgy of death and destruction.  But so long as it happens in someone else's country, that's OK.  Like I say, we seem to be riven with stupidity.  Perhaps it is all down to fourteen years of Tory governments and the resulting reduction in educational standards.  Perhaps it is all down to the evil influence of social media, (most specifically Twitter since it was taken over by fascist-consorting uber-idiot and techno jerk Elon Musk).  Or perhaps it is simply that the UK's gene pool has degenerated so much that all we can produce now are morons.  In which case, we really do need all those immigrants to inject fresh genes into the pool.  Think on that, cretins.

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