Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It Was All a Hoax!

I'm not going to be a hypocrite about this - I'm sorry that 'they' didn't recruit someone who was a better shot to try and kill Trump.  I ask you, where is the justice in this world?  Lee Harvey Oswald, a poor shot with a crappy rifle, somehow managed to pull off a near impossible shot from the book depository in Dallas in 1963 and blew JFK's head off, yet a guy with an AR15 gets a clear shot at convicted felon Trump, (also found by a court to have molested a woman), from closer range and only hits his ear and a bystander?  FFS, who are they trying to kid?  The Trump assassination attempt was clearly a set-up.  I mean, just look at the timing - it dominates the news cycle just as a pro-Trump judge throws out the documents case against him, (in which prosecutors had him bang to rights), in a bizarre ruling and evidence of his close involvement with Jeffrey Epstein is coming to light.  How very convenient that someone tries to off him and it diverts attention from these things.  Too convenient.  Believe me, the whole thing was staged - nobody got shot, they were all crisis actors and the supposed assassin was dead before he reached that roof.  They just dumped his body there with a rifle before the rally started.  The so-called 'eyewitnesses' who claimed to have seen him climbing up there?  Again, crisis actors.  Obvious ones at that - just look at that weirdo with the red beard and wild hair they interviewed: nobody looks like that for real.  He was some casting director's idea of what a hick Trump supporter might look and sound like.  Besides, I'm sure I saw him in a porno movie once - that beard is distinctive.

If you ask me (and I know that nobody is, but I'm going to tell you anyway), they shot the whole fake assassination attempt in advance in a studio, with the whole Pennsylvania venue replicated there.  They probably employed some top Hollywood director to shoot it - like they got Stanley Kubrick to shoot that fake moon landing - and ensure they got those neatly composed shots of a supposedly wounded Trump raising his fist defiantly, in front of the American flag.  Yeah, maybe they got Michael Bay to do it.  Anyway, at the appropriate moment, they cut this pre-filmed footage on the live broadcasts - some blank shots being fired at the venue was probably the cue.  It was also, doubtless, the cue for all those crisis actors making up the audience to react appropriately so that when the feed switched back to the live event, so it looked seamless.  Because, obviously, they were all crisis actors and it was all fake.  Just like at Sandy Hook.  According to Alex Jones and all his Trump supporting trolls, that is.  The very same trolls who are busy on social media denouncing claims that the Trump shooting was staged as 'sick', 'bad taste' and 'offensive'.  Pity they weren't so sensitive to the feelings of the relatives of all those kids who were killed at Sandy Hook, eh?  But hey, the hypocrisy of the US' right is apparently without limit.  After all, Trump has spent most of his time in politics inciting violence against his opponents, (remember January 6th, anyone?), his rhetoric is laced with violent imagery and his supporters seemingly love to tote large guns in public.  So why is it such a surprise that, having engendered such an atmosphere of violence in America's political discourse, Trump himself should become a target of violence?

But no - it's all the fault of the Democrats and 'Extreme Left', (look, the US has no idea of what the 'left' actually is, let alone this mythical 'Extreme Left').  Apparently they are the ones who have been using violent language and making threats against their opponents.  Like I said, the right's hypocrisy has no bounds.  But also like I said, I won't be a hypocrite on this issue: if the assassin had succeeded, then I wouldn't have been shedding any tears for Trump.  He's scum.  Worse than that, he's dangerous, rabble rousing, grifting scum without a conscience.  Not that I'd wish violent death on him - personally, I'd rather see the fat bastard expire from a massive coronary on stage at one his rallies, his rabid fans cheering as he turns purple.  But, while I'd in no way endorse political violence or assassination, (certainly not in what is still supposedly a democracy, anyway), I'm afraid that if you spend your time indulging in violent political rhetoric, there's a fair chance that you'll fall victim to someone who thinks that you've legitimised it with your words.  Personally, I think it high time that President Biden took advantage of the Trumpist Supreme Court's ruling that presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts, by declaring that Trump constitutes a threat to American democracy and ordering his assassination by someone competent.  Problem solved - and it would all be legal.  According, ironically, by a Supreme court dominated by Trump appointees.

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