Friday, June 28, 2024

Unreformed Racists?

So, we're evidently meant to be shocked by recent revelations that many Reform UK supporters, candidates and campaign workers are actually racists, bigots and have formerly been members of things like the National Front and the BNP.  I'm not sure why - all of these press reports surely fall into the category of 'No shit, Sherlock'.  Exactly what other constituency does anyone think that Reform UK is designed to appeal to, with its anti-immigrant rhetoric?  To paraphrase Will Self, on the subject of Brexit, while it might not be true to say that everyone who votes for or supports Reform is a racist, you can be sure that all racists will support and vote for it.  Of course, this makes such people doubly stupid: not just for being racists, but for falling for the absolute scam that Reform UK actually is.  It isn't even a real political party, it is actually a limited company, with Nigel Farage as majority shareholder, (the other shareholder being some time leader Richard Tice).  Which is why Farage doesn't have to bother with such tiresome things as leadership elections when he decides to take over as leader - he just convenes a shareholders meeting where he outvotes Tice.  All of which also means that all of the membership subscriptions they collect (not to mention donations from individuals, corporations and Russia) could simply be paid out to the two shareholders as profits.  Not that I'm saying that Farage and Tice are actually doing that.  But they could do it and it would be perfectly legal.

Anyway, the specific reason I'm ranting about Reform right now is that one of the candidates it has standing in this general election that they've been forced to disown happens to be my local Reform candidate.  Incredibly, I only learned this from reading The Guardian - my local newspaper, The Crapchester Chronicle, hasn't seen fit to cover the issue.  (To be fair, they are still sulking over the fact that even local polls are now indicating that their beloved sitting Tory MP is on course to lose the seat to Labour).  This particular candidate has been cut loose because, it seems, back in the day he was a member of the BNP.  But have they actually disowned him?  Today I had the misfortune to have shoved through my letterbox a wad of election leaflets for all of the candidates contesting this seat - including one for Reform UK.  Now, this leaflet prominently featured the faces of  Farage and Tice, (which rules out even using it as toilet paper as I wouldn't sully my arse with their likenesses),not surprising  as, let's face it, Reform UK is pretty much one big ego trip for Farage, but the 'disgraced' candidate's name is still there.  So, are Reform contesting this constituency, or not?  Because if they are no longer endorsing this candidate, they can't.  In which case, why are they still canvassing for him?



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