Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Not Recommended

You Tube is clearly getting frustrated with my viewing habits again. We're back to it recommending pseudo porn videos and right wing 'news' and commentary channels.  Neither of which I am remotely interested in.  I mean, if I want porn, there's plenty of the real thing available elsewhere on the web.  These pseudo porn videos usually pass themselves off as travel videos and feature young women in their swim suits or underwear swimming in exotic places.  It raises the question - again - of just why You Tube's algorithms come up with these recommendations.  In the case of these pseudo porn videos, I can only assume that the travel element is triggered by the fact that I watch model railway videos by some dude who, every so often, goes off on his travels, both in the UK and Europe, and posts videos of them on his channel.  That and the fact that I sometimes watch videos by ex-pat Ukrainians and Russians forced to flee their respective countries by either the Russian invasion or their opposition to said invasion.  The focus on young women possibly derives from the fact that, for some reason, a lot of these ex-pats are female.  So to You Tube, this means that I obviously want to watch young women on holiday in a state of undress.  

The right-wing stuff is harder to explain - I go out of my way to watch this trash.  To be fair, I avoid pretty much all political content on You Tube, regardless of orientation - it simply isn't a platform where I'm likely to find any kind of balanced, rational analysis.  But I particularly avoid the stuff from right-wing conspiracy crackpots, (because most right-wing 'commentary' quickly descends into conspiracy gibberish).  As far as I can see, most of it is put out either by media 'personalities' who can no longer get a job on regular media and self-styled 'citizen journalists' and 'experts'.  The latter two categories usually composed of spectacularly ill informed Americans apparently happy to demonstrate their utter ignorance to the world, (I'm not being anti-American here, it is just that US citizens always seem to be very poorly informed with regard to anything that occurs outside of their own borders - either state or national).  I always try to be fair - if one of their videos turns up amongst my You Tube recommendations, I always check out their channel to be absolutely sure as to their right-wing nut job status before clicking on 'Don't Recommend Channel'.  (Many, on first glance, seem quite respectable, but the clue to their raving rightie status is who they interview or profile in their videos - there was a UK one that, on the surface, seemed like a respectable legal advice channel - except that a quick glance at their entire canon of videos revealed interviews with the likes of 'Tommy Robinson', treating him as if he were a legitimate commentator being persecuted by the state for his (neo Nazi) views.  Straight to 'Do Not Recommend').  Only this evening I had to block disgraced GB News 'personality' Dan Wootton's channel from being recommended, after one his videos turned up in my recommendations.  Dan Wootton?  Really?  As I don't look at sites about collecting Nazi memorabilia or videos espousing neo Nazi philosophy, I just can't explain why these fuckers keep turning up in my recommendations.

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