Friday, February 09, 2024

Back to Life

I've been doing a lot of walking lately.  It's all in the name of trying to work up some semblance of fitness. The last few years in my former job-from-Hell left me shattered, both physically and mentally, to the extent that I seem to have spent the better part of the last couple of years lying in bed.  My sleep patterns were all over the place - unable to sleep at night I instead ended up sleeping during the day.  During the Winter I never seemed to see daylight.  Anyway, I finally decided that enough was enough and that I had to take back control of my life.  Hence the recent burst of physical activity - I'm finally seeing daylight on a regular basis again.  The walks, so far, have all been local, but Crapchester is full of surprising places to go walking.  The image above comes from a recent walk which took me through a series of ponds, which are sandwiched between a dual carriageway and a housing estate - most of it is invisible from either road.

With my waking hours moving back into daylight, various stalled projects have been reactivated - there's a lot you can't really do in the middle of the night, unless you want to get complaints from the neighbours about the noise.  In particular, I've finally resumed work on refurbishing and repainting a number of old model railway coaches and wagons that I've accumulated - I've a restaurant car, for instance, that has finally been resprayed into Southern Region livery and is now awaiting the application of lettering and number transfers, after sitting idle for the several months since I bought it.  Likewise, there are two locomotives awaiting lining out, which I'm finally aiming to get done.  I might even, in the foreseeable future, get around to that clear out the spare room which is required for me to be able to expand the model railway layout.  Exciting times!  Also tiring times - my lack of fitness is painfully obvious but, every day I'm slightly less tired by my exertions.  The tiredness is also down to the fact that my sleep patterns are still disrupted, but they are improving.  Hopefully, once I've got things back on an even keel, the standard of my posts here might improve - they've been pretty patchy of late, I know.  So, there you have it - my battle to reclaim my life.  I think I'm winning, so far.



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