Thursday, February 01, 2024

Demented Politics

So, at what point do we start talking about Trump's mental incapacity.  I mean, as we enter an election year for the US, the rabid right-wingers are going all out on how Biden is senile because, well, he's old and he sometimes seems to lose the thread when speaking in public.  In fact, it isn't just the right-wing cranks who like to belittle Biden for his supposed senility.  But the fact is that he never was a great public speaker - when he was Vice President (when he was only in his sixties), he always seemed to be putting his foot in his mouth.  Moreover, merely being old isn't, in itself, proof that someone is mentally incapable.  Indeed, Biden's record in office would seem to contradict this idea - contrary to what the right's propaganda would have you believe, employment levels have climbed under his administration and the US' economic performance has improved markedly, (in contrast to Trump's time in office).  Getting back to the point, though: Trump.  If Biden's poor public speaking is proof of senility, then surely Trump's constant slurring of words, increasingly demented rantings and his apparent disconnect from reality, (he seems, for instance, to think that he has 'won' his current civil cases, despite having more than eighty million dollars of damages awarded against him in one of them), is more than ample evidence that he is completely and utterly ga-ga.  Oh yes - let's also not forget that, despite having his Twitter account restored by Elon Musk, the world's village idiot, Trump still hasn't Tweeted anything.  Clearly, he is too senile to remember his login details.

Yet, nobody seems to want to talk about Trump's obvious descent into dementia.  You can understand why his followers don't want to discuss it.  In fact, as long he's spending his time ranting to rallies of his most rabid fans, he can get away with it - they are as demented as he is, so he just seems normal to them.  He could probably drop his pants on stage and take a huge dump and these loons would scream and applaud him.  Even if he followed that up by taking a piss on them, they'd still cheer him.  But his problems come when he starts displaying his mental incapacity away from his comfort zone - his court outbursts, for instance, draw adulation only from his hardcore fans, not the wider audience who see them.  Yet still the media seem to hold back from actually coming out and highlighting his apparent senility - they are happy to repeat all the shit about Biden, but seem reluctant to question his opponent's mental capacity.  How far does he have to go before they do start reporting it more prominently?  Does he have to come into one of his court hearing naked and in an obviously confused state, before masturbating furiously during witness cross-examinations?  Would his making inappropriate sexual comments to female court staff, or even grabbing them 'by the pussy'?  At what point does his behaviour become erratic and scary enough for people to start seriously questioning his fitness for office?  But hey, here in the UK people had to elect a Tory government led by Boris Johnson, then endure a pandemic during which his incompetence contributed to tens of thousands of deaths and his policies resulted in billions of pounds of taxpayers money being paid out to Tory donors and old pals, before they decided that he was unfit for office, despite this having been manifestly obvious for decades.  So who knows when Trump will be publicly outed as a senile old fool?  I mean, he's already had one disastrous term in office, but that apparently wasn't enough for people to make up their minds...

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