Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Black Devil Doll (2009)

Did I mention that, over Christmas, I stumbled across another steaming channel on Roku that continuously screens the sort of low rent exploitation movies I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time watching?  It is rather like 'American Horrors', except that it streams more smoothly and its weekly rolling schedule actually does seem to change every week.  (The schedules on 'American Horrors' can be very erratic in terms of updating - it went for nearly a month recently without changing its line up - and don't seem to published anywhere, whereas this other channel not only has them on its website, but also shows them onscreen between movies.  Oh, and they also tell you what the movie is with an onscreen caption).  Anyway, this new (to me) channel, 'Otherworlds TV' shows some interesting films, (the filler between them is often pretty interesting, too).  Tonight, for instance, I found myself watching Black Devil Doll (2009).  This, of course, isn't to be confused with Black Devil Doll From Hell (1984), although it was made, apparently as an homage to this earlier film.  Both films concern the sexploits of possessed black dolls, with Black Devil Doll fashioning itself as a sort of Blaxploitation Child's Play, featuring a black militant rapist and murderer who is reincarnated as a black ventriloquist dummy.  Said dummy is acquired by a big breasted white girl, who proceeds to have sex with the doll, falling under its spell.  At its behest, she invites her equally large breasted girl friends around, then finds an excuse to leave while the 'Black Devil Doll' variously attacks, rapes and murders them, all the time uttering various surly, expletive ridden asides.  He even attacks and bum rapes the girl's would be rapper boyfriend when he turns up unexpectedly.

If this all sounds like an over-the-top parody, that's because it is.  Exploitation tropes are caricatured constantly - as emphasised by the design of the title doll itself, which comes complete with seventies Afro and 'Black Panther' style beret and speaks like the bad-assed hero of a poverty row blaxploitation picture.  What is clear is that the makers have gone all out to try and cause maximum offence: gross out scene follows gross out scene.  Each attack made by the doll just piles on a scene of misogyny and sexual violence and perversion even grosser than those that preceded it.  It's all here: rape, necrophilia, corprophilia, even explosive diarrhea so rancid it can burn through doors.  It's safe to say that if you are easily offended, you really shouldn't watch Black Devil Doll.  I suppose that I really should have been disgusted by its excesses but it is all so over the top, utterly puerile and obviously not intended to be taken seriously that is impossible to be offended.  But was any of it funny?  Well, I can't deny that it made me laugh, but then I am some kind of weirdo with a puerile sense of humour.  Actually, a lot of it leaves the viewer alternately aghast at the makers' audacity and open mouthed with incredulity as they keep topping each scene of grossness.  Nevertheless, even at around seventy five minutes long and being possessed of a commendably brisk pace, Black Devil Doll still feels too long, with his depravities eventually becoming repetitive.  I can't help but feel that it would have been more effective as a spoof trailer, highlighting the various grossly offensive acts of the title character in brief, tantalising snippets, rather than as a full-length feature.  Still, as it stands, Black Devil Doll is a unique piece of film making, reveling in its minuscule budget, porn aesthetic and clunky special effects.  That said, I'm not sure that I'd want to watch it again.



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