Thursday, July 23, 2020

'Only Big Women for Commissar Grigori'

I'm not sure there's anything I can add to a tagline like that.  For whatever reason, it appealed to me, the reference to 'big women' putting me in mind of the Benny Hill character in The Italian Job:  'Big, I like 'em big!'.  That said, this cover illustration for the July 1959 True Action and its various captions, is relatively restrained by the standards  of men's magazines of the era.  No Nazis doing horrendous things to captive blondes in their underwear, for instance.  Instead we have a bit of 'Commie-baiting', with those Reds using American women as sex slaves.  Although, judging by that motor vehicle, the story looks to be set in the early years of the Russian revolution.  'Shipwrecked Nude on Papeete Pat's Island' sounds more like the usual fare of these publications and, a couple of years down the line, probably would have been the salaciously illustrated cover story.  The men's magazines seemed to have a thing about scantily clad women trapped on islands with a single bloke.  Clearly, it was a popular male adolescent fantasy - the stock in trade of these so called 'armpit slicks'.



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