Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Aimless Days

Ever had one of those days where you just can't get down to actually doing anything?  I've just had two in a row - my aimlessness the result of my employer telling me to work from home two days a week but not actually providing me with any work.  For my two upcoming days in the office, there is some work allocated this week.  Unlike last week, when I ended up having to do the stuff I was planning for today and yesterday, in order to stave off boredom.  Simultaneously, management are trying to force us back out onto the streets, despite it not being remotely safe to be doing so yet.  Despite my objections - I've pointed out the fact that I have to have my temperature taken before I can enter the building for a routine dental appointment is pretty definitive proof that things are not back to normal - they are ploughing ahead.  It will be to no avail in my case, as the whole situation is about to be overtaken by events.  Events instigated by me.  I know that I keep hinting at some imminent development in my working life, without ever going into specifics, but I just don't want to jinx it by discussing my plans too widely at this juncture.  Those closest to me are aware of what's going on and, in due course, I'll undoubtedly be writing about it here.  You'll just have to bear with me.

These past few weeks, since my employer arbitrarily decided to recall all those of us considered vulnerable to Covid-19 because of underlying health conditions from special leave, have emphasised the total lack of proper management the organisation suffers from.  There are just too many people promoted way beyond their abilities - a result, in part, of mistaking ambition for ability, more often than not, they aren't the same thing.  Consequently, decision-making rarely seems to be based on facts or logic, let alone practicality.  As the current situation demonstrates, with people being brought back without any clear idea of what it is they are expected to do in the workplace.  This isn't helped by the fact that it is clear that many managers at more senior levels haven't a clue what our jobs actually entail and the risks we are exposed at normal times, let alone during a pandemic.  Indeed, the lack of concern for the health and safety of the workforce continues unabated, despite the fact that we are still living through a pandemic.  But hey, I'm tired of hearing myself moan about all of this - which is why I've finally decided to something about it.  All those weeks of lockdown convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm better off without all the shit this job brings into my life and the sensible thing to do is walk away.  Even without anything else to go to immediately, my finances are sound enough to keep me afloat for several years if necessary, while I find some other source of income.  But, as it turns out, that might not be necessary...



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