Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Social Media Crackpots

I think that I'm on the verge of kicking my Facebook account into touch.  I say 'think' because, these days, I can never seem to make my mind up about anything.  But my sudden aversion to the social media organisation has nothing to do with its apparent inability to grasp the notion of privacy when it comes to harvesting the data of its users, or its woeful unwillingness to do anything about the amount of hate speech and propaganda being peddled through its pages.  Rather, it has more to do with the fact that increasingly, people I'm friends with on there (and, indeed, know from outside of Facebook), are revealing themselves as reactionary crackpots with their increasingly cranky posts which turn up in my feed.  Now, I know that I could just mute or block them, but then there would be next to nothing appearing on my feed, so I might as well just shut the whole account down. I'm aware that there is an argument that it is good to expose oneself to views differing from one's own.  But that really is bollocks: I've already examined all of these 'viewpoints' and long ago rejected them as ignorant, ill-informed, reactionary, abhorrent and just plain wrong.  Consequently, I don't want to hear them all over again.

The only problem with leaving Facebook is that it would undoubtedly cause me all sorts of problems when it comes to administering The Sleaze's Facebook page.  That said, the page doesn't actually generate much traffic to the site - bizarrely, while people might 'like' the page or individual stories, they don't seem to actually visit them.  As I've noted before, there have been times that stories have seemingly racked up enormous likes and views of the Facebook page, yet this has never been reflected in actual traffic to the site.  I'm afraid that in my experience, social media platforms are greatly overrated as sources of web traffic.  Ditching Facebook wouldn't be much of a loss to me, as I've never really engaged in it.  Which shouldn't be surprising, as it is supposedly about building social networks and bringing people together, while I simply don't like people and do my best to avoid them.  I originally only joined in order to get access to a group associated with a site I was a member of - I've subsequently tried to keep the number of 'friends' I have there to a minimum (I turn down requests from people I don't know at all from outside Facebook or, indeed, those from people I know in person - I see them for real, damn it).  And now it turns out that most of them are nutters.



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