Thursday, June 25, 2020

Socially Distanced Sex Workers

While hordes of idiots were crowding Britain's beaches in an attempt to ensure that second wave of coronavirus is a tidal wave, the Austrians have been planning to reopen their brothels as the next stage of their careful easing of lockdown.  Of course, that's not something we have to consider here, as such establishments and sex workers generally, were never mentioned in the government's lockdown plans.  Obviously, they were classified as key workers, essential to keeping the British end up during this crisis.  Besides, there's no way that Tory politicians could do without their weekly whiplash.  The fact that, during the pandemic, sex workers have probably had to wear protective gear - visors, masks, rubber gloves and so - provided an extra turn on for many of their clients.  Austria isn't alone in having protected its sex workers during the pandemic because, of course, on the continent they tend to be more adult about such things and attempt to regulate their sex industries.  Whereas we just like to snigger about and sweep it under the carpet.

The end result of which is that sex workers in the UK enjoy just about no protection and are consequently vulnerable to all manner of exploitation.  But what the Hell, like so many other people at the bottom of the pile (so to speak) in this country, they just don't seem to matter.  Anyway, in those countries where the brothels were shut down for the lockdown, one is left wondering what potential punters did instead.  For some future academic, there's a study there into whether masturbation rates increased during the pandemic in these countries.  Some places have already reopened their brothels, but with new safety restrictions.  Greece, for instance, is now insisting that payments can only be made by credit card and that the time with clients is limited to fifteen minutes.  (While, presumably, maintaining as distance of at least one metre between punter and sex worker - either that, or they both have to wear full body disposable plastic suits).  Ah, those crazy continentals, eh? 



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