Thursday, June 04, 2020

A Week Off Track

Parcels Train and Pines Express from Doc Sleaze on Vimeo.

I've had a listless week.  Which followed a lethargic weekend.  I can't seem to focus on anything, interest eludes me.  Perhaps it is the change in the weather - my lack of interest in anything mirroring the drop in temperature and lack of sunshine.  Maybe I've finally got fed up with the routines of this lockdown.  My sleep patterns are all over the place - which isn't helping.  That's the trouble of living through a situation where you don't actually have to get up to do anything in particular - time becomes fluid and tasks can be done at any time, so schedules and routines go out of the window.  That said, despite feeling that I'm not making progress on any front of my life and definitely not feeling creative, I have managed to put together a new podcast over at the Overnightscape Underground and come up with a new story for The Sleaze.  So, not an entirely unproductive week.

While I have plenty of recently watched films I should be writing up here, right now, I just don't have the energy.  Instead, I give you another video of my model railway.  To be honest, there's nothing here we haven't seen before: 'Clan Line' is in charge of the 'Pines Express', while the electro-diesel hauls a parcels train.  The notable thing is that, for the first time, everything ran smoothly enough that I could shoot it all in one take, with no derailments or other problems.  I should, of course, be rewiring the layout, as I have everything I need now to institute a 'cab control' system.  But, again, my recent bout of listlessness has meant that no progress has been made on any aspect of the layout this week.  But at least things are running smoothly and, when I do finally do the rewiring and fix the track down permanently, it should be consistently smooth.



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