Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bloody Messiah?

As I've mentioned before, one of the drawbacks of the current situation is that I find it ever more difficult to come up with ideas either for posts here, or stories at The Sleaze. The problem, of course, is that, under lockdown, nothing much ever happens to me.  I just sit at home, watch TV, read and play with my trains.  Come to think of it, that sounds like normal life to me.  Except that under normal conditions I get out of the house, go places, have social interactions, get pissed off with people and all the other things that fuel regular postings here.  Moreover, there is rarely anything in the news other than coronavirus these days, thereby restricting any inspiration for stories at The Sleaze.  The fact is that there are limits to how many satirical stories you can do about Covid-19 and the lockdown.  I know, I feel that I've done them all over the past few weeks.  All of which brings us to the current situation.  Normally, about now, I'd be preparing to come up with a new story for The Sleaze.  I'd usually have a firm idea for it - more often than not based around something I'd already written here.  But this week, I have absolutely nothing.  Well, nothing that is, but a title that swam, unbidden, into my head over the weekend: 'Vampire Jesus'.

That's all I have, just that random title, no actual story idea or anything.  So that's the question I'm chewing over here - is there a viable story of some kind to be eked out from those two words?  The most obvious thing would be to take the litral approach and come up with something - possible a fake movie review - concerning some kind of messiah for the bloodsuckers: perhaps promising an end to life everlasting?  perhaps a more fruitful approach, though, would be that of Jesus actually being a vampire - vampirism as an analogy for the spread of religion?  The bare bones are there: the promise of everlasting life, the drinking of Christ's blood, the 'conversion' of acolytes, JC coming back from the grave.  Even the vampire's aversion to to the cross could be explained as actually being some kind of reverance for the symbol of their progenitor - they actually back away in supplication.  There are various ways the story could be framed: sensational new book on the subject, shocking film or TV documentary about to be released, etc.  I'm still not entirely convinced that entire story can be worked up from this - but at least it is a start and, right now, it is all I've got.  I'll sleep on it and see what I can come up with tomorrow.



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