Monday, October 31, 2016

The Sleazecast: Ghost Radio

Hastily recorded and shoddily edited, it can only be one thing, an all new Halloween edition of 'The Sleazecast',  All the favourites are back: Suzy Sleaze gives us the news on the 'Hijab Halloween','Alarmist News' is back to try and raise Jimmy Savile from the dead and Sherlock Holmes finally gets to part three of 'The Whips of Fear'.  Plus, 'Ghost Radio' interviews the author of 'I Married a Poltergeist' and probes the world of singles seances.  Boris Karloff makes a guest appearance and Britain's fastest milkman gets a Gothic makeover.

("News Theme" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

You can download it here, or listen to it now using the 'Streampad' bar below.

Yeah, I know, it's been a while since I put together a new episode of the web's least listened to podcast and even longer since one was debuted here at Sleaze Diary.  It's a long and dull story as to why it is happening now, but I won't bore you with that.  Just listen and - hopefully- enjoy.  It's not the best I've ever put together, (the speed at which it was conceived, recorded and edited mean that it is somewhat rough around the edges in places), but I'm reasonably happy with it.

Anyway, it will probably be Christmas before I even think about recording another 'Sleazecast', although I'll hopefully be working on some other audio projects before then.



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