Thursday, February 20, 2014

Floods of Refugees

OK, I'm not finished with these floods yet - there's still mileage in them.  The thing that's been perplexing me of late is the question of those people who have been displaced from their homes by the flooding - aren't they just refugees and/or asylum seekers?  As such, shouldn't the government be treating them the same way as they do other refugees?  Because, right now, I'm worried about the impact they could have on our communities.  I mean, it's all very well people from Somerset, Berkshire and Surrey getting in their boats and sailing off on the flood waters in search of new accommodation, but what if they come here to Crapchester?  We've got problems of our own, including flooding - how are we going to accommodate these refugees?  Our social services and hospitals are already full and, as for accommodation, we've already got long housing lists of local people.  Why should these outsiders jump the queue just because their houses have gotten a bit wet, eh? 

So what's the government going to do about these refugees, then?  Personally, I think they should allow us to set up frontier posts at the county boundaries and turn them back.  I know it sounds inhumane, but I'm sorry, Shiteshire is full and our services and infrastructure just can't take any more people.  They have to go back to where they came from.  After all, it isn't as if they face any real danger back in their own homes - they won't be persecuted or anything - just some damp.  Of course, some will undoubtedly sneak through, in which case we need to get the police to round them up and hold them in some kind of detention centre until they can be repatriated to Somerset, Berkshire or Surrey.  It isn't as if they don't come from wealthy counties - why should we subsidise them with our council taxes when they could be back in their own counties, where they belong?  I'm just surprised that it has taken this long for anyone to raise this issue - UKIP have really dropped the ball on this one, haven't they?



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