Thursday, June 27, 2013

Non-Opposing Opposition

These truly are depressing times.  As if  'Gorgeous' George Osborne's latest admission of failure, sorry, spending review - which, as usual, targeted public services, public servants and the poor - wasn't bad enough, we also find ourselves faced with the prospect of an opposition which doesn't oppose.  I'm finding Labour's economic strategy hard to fathom - by basically acquiescing to the Tories' false narrative on the economy, (that public spending has to be cut in order to address a recession caused by excessive private debt), and saying that they therefore would match Osborne's cuts if in power, they are not only fatally undermining their ability to criticise the government on the economy, but also forfeiting their right to be considered a viable alternative by the electorate.  Really, Labour's leadership seem so terrified of upsetting the right-wing press, they instead pander to them by engaging in a contest with the Tories to show which of them is the most right-wing and 'hardest' on the poor and underprivileged.

Consequently, they seem to have lost sight not only of their own founding principles, but also of the fact that an opposition is meant to providing an alternative to the sitting government.  If both sides sing from the same - completely discredited - economic song sheet, then the electorate have the right to ask what the point of even voting is?  The weakness of Labour's approach to opposition is astounding.  The very idea of challenging the Tory narrative seems to terrify them.  Instead, they've effectively conceded the argument to the government, shrugging and saying that the Tories have obviously persuaded the public to their version of events through their friends in the media and it is just too difficult to try and change their opinion!  With defeatism like that when you are in opposition, how can you ever hope to win an election?  It is for politicians - particularly those seeking power - to lead public opinion and make the argument for their alternative.  But seems to be just too difficult for this Labour leadership.  I really do despair for the country's future.



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