Monday, January 02, 2012

Looking Forward

A New Year dawns and I'm still feeling as sick as I did at the end of the old one. If I was superstitious I'd think this a poor omen for 2012. Luckily, I'm not, but I really need to shake off this nasal congestion which is lingering after the cold I had last week. It left me barely able to sleep for several nights and is now creating pressure in my sinuses. None of the decongestants I've tried seem to be able to shift it, so at the moment I'm forced to let it clear of its own accord. It has eased over the last twenty four hours and I was able to sleep properly last night, (and again this afternoon, on the sofa). Nevertheless, I still feel bloody awful. Not a good way to usher in a new year. Worst of all, I'm meant to be back at work on Wednesday, and I'm feeling even less like going back than usual.

But enough of my ills, what does 2012 have in store? More recession, economic hardships, job losses and spending cuts, according to most commentators. It certainly will for me, being subjected to another public sector pay freeze, whilst inflation runs rampant and the government takes even more from my pay packet to supposedly pay for a smaller pension - which I won't be able to collect until I'm at least 67. But don't worry, that tosspot Cameron tells us that 'I get that' with regard to the hardships facing most people, and the he's going to do something. Like fiddling with himself whilst Britain burns in a new wave of riots, perhaps? Still, at least we'll have the Olympics to distract us from the ongoing collapse of capitalism. Oh, and not to forget that this is the year the digital TV switchover is finally completed. Oh what joy! So much to look forward to, eh?



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