Friday, January 06, 2012

Crappy New Year

If the past three days are any indication of how 2012 is going to be, then it is going to be a long, hard slog. Going back to work is always Hell, but doing it whilst still suffering from the aftermath of last week's cold proved near suicidal. I was already exhausted through the lack of sleep caused by the bad nasal congestion I'd suffered, but going back to the mundane grind of the office has left me feeling wrecked. I'm now planning to spend the weekend in bed, in the hope of getting sufficient rest to recover. The prospect of a full week at work fills me full of dread. The whole experience has left me more determined than ever to find some way out of this soul-destroying job, recession or no recession. I known, I know - I've been saying that for years, but if I say it enough I might actually succeed.

Meanwhile, in events not directly related to me, (though why you would be interested in such events is beyond me), the media is awash with non news stories, as they desperately try to fill their column inches in these dreary post-Christmas days. '"A black Labour MP called white people white - that's racist!" says white supremacist.' Or something like that. The storm in a tea cup surrounding Diane Abbott's allegedly racist tweet really are that pathetic - I just hope this 'story' isn't going to set a trend for the quality of news story we can expect to see in 2012. Still, at least there was a result in the Stephen Lawrence case - twenty-odd years too late, but a result nonetheless. Still, it could hardly be reassuring for the family of the young Indian man murdered in Salford on Boxing Day - our police and justice system take racially-motivated killings so seriously that it only takes us two decades to actually convict the perpetrators of such offences.

Anyway, thee you have it - my rocky start to 2012. So, if you know me personally and I haven't wished you a 'Happy New Year', now you know why - I've been too bloody tired and ill. Sorry.



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