Tuesday, December 02, 2008

False Assumptions?

The other day someone asked if I'd had a good weekend, I gave my usual non-committal response of "It was fine", to which they replied, "I'll take that for a no, then." Why? Just because I say my weekend was "fine", meaning that it was, well, fine, in other words normal, not out of the ordinary and the same as usual, why should that mean that it wasn't? I'm really sorry if I don't do really exciting things every weekend, like para-gliding or having wild sex and cocaine orgies. Usually,I do much the same things, and I have no intention, when asked how my weekend was, chronicling every cup of tea I made and every bit of vacuuming and ironing I did. I always assume that everyone else has similar weekends, so I don't bother asking anyone else what they did at the weekend.

Of course, another reason I never enquire after other people's weekends is because, quite frankly, I don't care what they do. No, really, I don't give a toss. Other people's lives do not interest me one iota. I learned a long time ago that the overwhelming majority of people lead lives every bit as mundane as my own. I've spent too much of my working life being paid to pry into other peoples' affairs to have any interest in them on my own time. So, next time I tell you my weekend was "fine", please don't assume that it wasn't. The fact is that it really isn't any of your business how it was, so don't bloody ask.

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