Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Post-Christmas Post

Good Christmas?  Personally, I've been on my sofa or in bed for three and a bit days.  I got up on Christmas Eve coughing as if I smoked a hundred a day, (that's a reference to smoking cigarettes, for the kids out there who equate 'smoking' with 'vaping'), which I wish I had done, because then I would at least have had some enjoyment before coughing my lungs up.  This subsided and by Christmas Day I was just wheezing. Oh, my sense of taste went awry, as well.   I spent most of today in bed, utterly knackered.  Despite this later bout of irritating and minor ill health, (something which has characterised this past year, reminding me that I'm not getting any younger).  Mind you, as it turned out, today's malaise was, in part, self-inflicted, as I realised that, in the 'excitement' of Christmas Day, I'd forgotten to take some of my medication, (I'd somehow convinced myself that I had taken it - too much medicinal brandy might have played a part in this - but those calendar blister packs don't lie).  Most specifically, I hadn't taken the one that keeps my heart rate and therefore my blood pressure down.  Which was why when I thought my heart rate was high, even when lying in bed, I wasn't imagining things. It also explained why my knees ached when I got up after several hours lying down, (joint pain can be a sure sign of high blood pressure).  

This litany of health woes doubtless makes it sound as if I had a lousy Christmas, but it was actually pretty decent.  Despite feeling below par, I worked my through a lot of movies, both old and new (t me, at least), while I was crashed out on my sofa.  They were a lot more entertaining than most of what was on offer on any of the main TV channels this festive season.  I know that I go on about this every Christmas, but Christmas TV gets worse and worse.  This year, they really had made no effort whatsoever.  I'm old enough to remember when TV used to get huge viewing figures over the Christmas period and the TV channels, (yeah, I know, there were only three back then), used to pull out all of the stops.  Every TV show had a Christmas special, usually with better scripts, guests and budgets than usual.  It was great.  OK, so I was a child and easily pleased, but it was still better than virtually anything that was on this Christmas.  A point reinforced by one of the live streaming channels I get via Roku which, this Christmas, abandoned its usual schedule and instead served up three solid days of old UK TV Christmas specials and seasonally themed old movies.  It was great - I watched it between the various movies I was watching.  Sure, a lot of it was pretty corny by today's standards, but at least it was seasonally themed.  So, the moral to all this is, well I've no idea, but there's bound to be a moral in it somewhere, because, as all those Christmas specials taught me, there always is at this time of year...

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