Friday, April 07, 2023

'Terror on the Orinoco'


Well, it must be Easter as the background on my Roku homepage has automatically switched to a Spring-like vista of flowers fields and frolicking rabbits.  If I went by the TV schedules, though, apart from BBC2's screening of King of Kings this morning, I'd have no idea that this was actually Good Friday.  I know its a familiar refrain from me, but, despite not being in any way religious myself, I can't help but feel that as Easter is a religious festival, perhaps more effort should be made by the media to reflect this?  Either that, or drop the pretence that we're a Christian nation and just embrace atheism whole heartedly.  As a non-believer, I present to you today a post wholly unrelated to religion of any kind, (unless you count my devotion to the lower end of pop culture as a religion).  This March 1958 edition of Adventure has a striking cover painting, encompassing both the 'dangerous wildlife' and 'exotic adventure' themes popular in men's magazines.  It illustrates 'A Drum For a Warrior - a Novel of Terror on the Orinoco'.

But if that sounds too fraught for you, there's also a 'Challenging Article For Men', namely 'Are You a frigid Husband?'  Obviously another attempt to play on the sexual insecurities of the average reader of these magazines, (although, in reality, it is doubtful that any of them would be husbands, most would likely be adolescents - and if they were married they probably wouldn't feel the need to read this sort of publication).  If that isn't enough to pull you down, then you could always read about 'Katyn - Forest of Blood', clearly a recounting of the World War Two massacre of Polish soldiers by the Soviets, (which they successfully blamed n the Nazis for many years).  But don't worry guys, there's relief at hand, (maybe literally), as Jayne Mansfield is here to reassure all those adolescent male readers 'I'd Rather be a Sexpot'.  Thank God for that.

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