Friday, February 11, 2022

The View From the Sofa...

Another one of those Mexican wrestling movies in on - this one's called The Champions of Justice (1971).  It features Blue Demon and his band of vigilante masked wrestlers riding around on motorcycles and fighting villainous mad scientist The Black Hand and his army of dwarf wrestlers.  All to accompaniment of a jazz soundtrack.  They must have been smoking some powerful shit when they made this: a dwarf has just been thrown into a control panel which then exploded.  The dwarf wrestlers all dress in red costumes with masks and capes and attack the good guys en masse in order to overwhelm them.  Oh, and The Black Hand's masterplan seems to have something to do with kidnapping the contestants in beauty pageant (one of whom is Blue Demon's God daughter).  At least, I think that's what is going on.  You know, it's at times like these, when I find myself watching this sort of insanity, that I'm tempted to ask myself where my life is going.  Or, indeed, how it got here.  I keep thinking that I really should make more effort to get back into some kind of paid employment, but, you know, it's February, the weather's bad, it's gloomy - the prospect of getting out of bed early to go out into all that just doesn't appeal to me right now.

Besides, that last job I had ended up being so bloody traumatic that I'm just in no hurry to expose myself to that sort of shit again.  Believe me, there's nothing worse than a toxic work environment, where you can't trust anybody, nobody has your back and management most certainly don't have anyone's interests, other than their own, at heart.  So, I find myself on my sofa watching Mexican wrestling films.  But it isn't as if my activities these days are entirely passive - I also spend time writing and podcasting about all this pop culture I consume, not to mention continuing to come up with stuff for The Sleaze.  The trouble is, of course, that all this creative output isn't regarded by wider society as being 'work', despite the effort that it requires.  Certainly, nobody seems prepared to pay me for any of it, (cue a torrent of spam emails from those guys telling me how I can - with their help - monetise my web presence).  Anyway, despite the stuff I'm currently doing apparently being unsaleable, I keep circling back to the idea of some kind of self-employment - that way I least have some control over my workplace and who work with and for.  The problem is finding something that I can do, that other people are willing to pay me to do.  Which easier said than done.  Ah well, back to the sofa and those Mexican wrestling movies for the meantime...



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