Friday, October 15, 2021

Conspiracy Fantasies

I made the mistake of sneaking a look at one of those crazy conspiracy sites the other day.  Just to what bollocks this particular 'famous' conspiracy fruit cake was spouting nowadays. The answer was, of course, all the usual shite:  satanic child abusers, peadophile celebrities, how the Nazis were misunderstood, the Jews are evil child abusers, blah, blah, blah.  Although he seems to have been slowed down due to his site keep getting shut down by hosts.  The 'new' aspect to his particular brand of utterly uninformed and factually deficient nonsense was the depressingly inevitable jumping on the anti-vaxxer bandwagon.  That and what at first sight might seem a surprising animosity toward the Q Anon mob.  Except that it shouldn't be surprising as the Q Anon movement represented a rival strand of US-based  conspiracy theory, (actually, let's stop calling them 'theories', it implies some kind of parity with actual scientific theories, which are evidence-based and testable - 'fantasies' is a better description), with a massive fan base, from which this character was effectively excluded.  He wasn't and never would be part of their pantheon of 'gurus'.  So, obviously, they have to be dismissed as a bunch of nutters who have been led astray by false conspiracy gurus, (who are undoubtedly reality in the pay of 'them', that vague enemy that manipulates the media and establishment institutions for equally vague, but definitely nefarious, purposes).

But to get back to his new anti-vaxxer allegiance, this is also utterly predictable.  After all, the anti-Covid vaccines have been developed by conventional science which, as all good conspiracy fantasists know, is completely false.  If you are one of these nutters, then you really can't afford to be in favour of vaccines if you want to keep your whack job credibility.  What's really depressing, though, is looking at the comments from readers of this crackpot's blog, where they double down on the anti-science madness.  Apparently the vaccine is only for mugs - it can't possibly work because Covid itself is fake, obviously.  None of them have had it, or if they have, it was no worse than a cold.  Oh, and does anybody actually know anyone who has died from it?  It's all fake!  One again, I find myself thinking those uncharitable thoughts that I'm glad these arseholes won't get vaccinated because then, if we're lucky, they'll contract some new variant and die, thereby removing their madness from the gene pool.  Except, of course, that they probably have had the vaccine, but can't own up to it among their loony friends.  Not only is hypocrisy a characteristic of conspiracy fantasists but so is a lack of logic. Anyway, the long and the short of it all is that I really need to stay away from these sites.  Their parades of ignorace, worse than that, smug self-satisfied ignorance, just does my head  in.

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