Monday, January 04, 2021

Lockdown Part Three and Other Problems

So, back into lockdown.  I think that I'll just go back to bed until February.  After all, it pretty much derails my supply teaching plans for the foreseeable future.  (Although I fully understand and sympathise with the fears of parents and teachers with regard to keeping schools open). Not that we couldn't have seen this coming - it is entirely consistent with the government's 'strategy'.  Which, of course, to do as little as possible for as long as possible, until things get out of control, then be forced to bring in harder measures than might otherwise have been necessary.  Still, it has been that sort of day - I ended up wasting a chunk of it trying to fix a problem with The Sleaze.  Wordpress, despite inviting me to update to the latest version, was telling me there was a problem every time I attempted to do so.  Then, suddenly, I was exceeding my disk space on the server.  Naturally, I assumed the two events were linked and wasted lots of time poring over Wordpress' deeply unhelpful support forums and going over my file manager.  I tried contacting my web host's support desk, but their customer interface kept going down.  Eventually, I resolved the problem by the application of logic.  It was, sort of, linked to the failed Wordpress update: before I attempted this, I had made a compressed copy of the site's files and downloaded them, but for some reason, a copy remained on the server, pushing me over the disk storage limits.  It was simply a matter of deleting this file and everything was back to normal.

While the solution turned out to be simple, getting there was very time-consuming.  I was hoping to get back to the schlock movies this week, but stuff like this eats into my writing time.  (I know, I know, with the new open-ended lockdown, I should have plenty more time for writing).  The other thing taking up my time right now is my foolish decision to produce a podcast for every one of the twelve days of Christmas over at The Overnightscape Underground.   While they are only 10-15 minutes each, they still take time to produce.  Obviously, if I had thought about it in advance, I should have recorded them all in one bloc and scheduled them to publish each day.  But it was a spur of the moment decision, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but has ended up becoming something of a chore.  Still, it is the last one tomorrow and then another daily drain on my creative time and energy will be gone.  Hopefully then I can get back to talking about those films.  I've got quite a backlog to discuss...

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